Understanding the 4 C’s will help you find the perfect diamond for your partner

Diamond Cut

A diamond’s cut doesn’t just refer to its shape. It also determines how well the diamond captures and refracts light, which produces its inimitable sparkle. Well-cut diamonds are extremely brilliant, fiery, and desirable. Poor-cut diamonds, on the other hand, can appear dull and dark even if they have a high grade of color or clarity.

The intense radiance of well-cut diamonds also give them the illusion of appearing larger than other diamonds of the same carat weight. Ideal diamonds have elevated levels of brilliance and diameter compared to diamonds with deeper cuts.

Cut is often considered the most important characteristic of the 4 C’s. This is because it has the biggest impact on the diamond’s overall appearance and quality. Jewelers recommend paying attention to the cut of a diamond above all else.

Types Of Diamond Cuts

The quality of the cut is defined by the diamond’s proportions and symmetry. A high quality cut can only be created by a highly skilled craftsman.

Diamonds are graded according to a scale, which goes from Ideal to Poor. Even the untrained eye will notice that diamonds with higher cut grades will be more sparkly than diamonds with lower cut grades.

  • Ideal Cut diamonds have outstanding sparkle and flawless symmetry. They are cut to perfect proportions for refracting light.
  • Excellent Cut diamonds have exceptional sparkle and even patterns.
  • Very Good Cut diamonds have great sparkle and polish. They are considered symmetrical.
  • Good Cut diamonds have a fine sparkle. They have a reasonable level of polish and symmetry.
  • Fair Cut diamonds have a low level of sparkle and polish. They are not always symmetrical.
  • Poor Cut diamonds appear dim and asymmetrical, with uneven spots on their surface.